
March-April 2021

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PalletCentral • March-April 2021 11 of divisive and partisan public comments on social media, including Twitter, against Senate Republicans and conservative Democrats. e Biden-Harris Administration will also run into the Senate filibuster. Any single Senator can hold the Senate floor in debate for as long as that Senator on the floor can talk. With floor time being precious, even the threat of a filibuster can restrict legislation. Most legislation requires 60 votes to advance to a final yes/no vote. A discussion about abolishing the filibuster by a simple majority vote on a rule change is circulating, but both parties have learned it is a double-edged sword when a party change occurs. Another challenge to President Biden's agenda is Executive Orders signed by President Trump. Many regulations issued by the Trump Administration have been stalled in court. For that matter, any administration is likely to see most executive actions challenged in court, which could delay any quick reform attempts. erefore Executive Orders can quickly be withdrawn or removed by the incoming Administration. e legislative priorities for the President in his first 100 days include: n American Rescue Plan: Additional checks for Americans, increase in the minimum wage to $15, increases and extends supplemental unemployment insurance, hundreds of billions for state and local governments and schools. n Climate Change/Infrastructure: Part of the next COVID Stimulus package, the "American Recovery Plan," includes additional climate change legislation, which would aim for emissions-free energy by 2035, net-zero emissions by 2015 with an emphasis on environmental justice. n Health Care Reform: Pass H.R.3 and H.R. 1425 to reduce drug prices and expand coverage under the ACA, additional health legislation would attempt to create a public insurance option, address surprise billing, and reinstate funding for reproductive health. n Immigration Reform: Pass an immigration reform bill with a path to citizenship for some undocumented residents, codify protections for children who came to the U.S. illegally from deportation. President Biden takes office in a time of extraordinary crisis. e COVID-19 pandemic has killed more Americans than World War I, World War II, and Vietnam combined. With nearly 10 million jobs lost, Biden is taking on climate change and racial justice. e first few months have made it clear that the Administration focuses on two primary objectives: curbing the spread of COVID-19 and delivering economic assistance to families in need. What does this mean for the wooden and pallet industry? It will be a bumpy ride. Businesses, in particular small businesses, want regulatory certainty. You will have anything but that in the coming weeks, months, and years. What you do have is NWPCA to help you through this transition through our informational webinars, in-person meeting in September 15-17, 2021 in Orlando at the NWPCA Annual Leadership Conference and regular communications. If there is an issue you want us to follow, please reach out to the NWPCA staff. We are here for you. Patrick Atagi is vice president, advocacy and external affairs at NWPCA. He also serves as executive director of the NWPCA PAC. He may be reached at 703-519-6104 or patagi@ You will continue to hear about U.S. Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV). He is the most sought- after swing vote in the 50-50 Senate and the vast majority, if not every interest group in Washington, D.C., is seeking his support on legislation. A key vote on the minimum wage rests with the Senator. 100 DAYS First

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