
March-April 2021

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24 PalletCentral • March-April 2021 doing a risk assessment and then determining proper protection strategies based upon the risk assessment," Koffel says. "As such, facilities have more flexibility with respect to pile heights and clearances and can provide more efficient means to provide an acceptable level of fire safety for their facility. In most cases, the approach will also improve the communication between the facility and the fire official so that each party has a better understanding of the expectations of the other party." In determining the current level of risk, a hazard assessment needs to be performed and, in many instances, a security vulnerability assessment also needs to be completed. Unauthorized entry to the site is a real fire safety concern and should be reviewed by a facility. is means that not only do pallet companies need to determine potential fire hazards in their facility, but they also need to evaluate how secure their facilities are to prevent arson activities. e formal risk management survey of a business can provide the pallet company owner with an action plan that not only helps mitigate the risks that result in real property and financial business losses, but also provides owners with the resources to efficiently respond to disasters when they occur. Fire and ventilation service companies, fire departments, as well as insurance providers, can provide assessments that can identify potential fire hazards in a pallet facility. Once the initial risk assessment is completed, that risk assessment should be valid unless changes are made at the facility or within the community. As Koffel explains, an example of facility changes could include changing the quantity or arrangement of the pallet storage. And community changes that could require a new risk assessment may include things that impact the security threats to the facility. Also, the importance of periodically hiring those trained and certified outside fire prevention consultants could further enhance a companies' Many cleaning agents and solvents can spontaneously ignite if stored incorrectly. And storage closets can be inundated with all types of materials that present issues if piled around outlets or electrical switches.

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