
March-April 2021

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16 PalletCentral • March-April 2021 you're doing. "A powerful way to do this is through 'sustainability storytelling.' It's also best to convey your sustainability initiatives in a measurable and meaningful way that demonstrate your greater purpose," they suggest. To accomplish this, share your customer's success, and your role in them. Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter are all places where you can shine the spot- light on your partners' sustainable practices, PMG suggests. Add in the use of's carbon emissions calculator, and you have a great story to tell! is show of support for supply chain partners can earn your brand serious social credibility. "Sustainability is a key component of your business strategy," notes the PMG experts. "Now's the time to acknowledge that same sustainability in your marketing efforts. An effective green marketing strategy starts with a powerful, honest message. It survives with transparency. And it thrives with the courage to share your story with the people who are waiting to hear it." Proudly Make Your Case "With the surge of consumerism in the 20th century, we have thrown the planet out of balance to fuel our growth. We have done so without consideration, or perhaps understanding, of the damage we cause," states the World Economic Forum. By being an integral part of the solution to these larger global issues, wooden pallets become a hero in the story of this ongoing consumer saga that will continue to play out for years to come. As a sustainable industry, wood pallets are in it for the long haul like no other industry of its kind. Today, wood remains a fundamental and sustainable part of the supply chain from manufacturer to distribution center, and finally, retail store. Wood pallets are moving goods billions of times a day globally; every day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. Wood pallets and wood packaging truly do move the world, and this report confirms that it's done sustainably. Caryn Smith is editor of PalletCentral and as CEO of Driven By Design provides communications support to NWPCA.

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