
March-April 2021

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32 PalletCentral • March-April 2021 I n pallet handling, repetitive tasks and the use of dangerous heavy equipment are two concerns that companies must deal with on a daily basis. OSHA and other agencies cast a long shadow of regulations that must be adhered to in order to avoid fines and, ultimately, injuries to workers. As we move into the robotic age, where some of these tasks can be done by machines, it is exciting that Universal Logic, as an Industry 4.0 leader, can provide expert insight and vision for the future. e distinguishing characteristic of Industry 4.0 is the use of sensor data to provide real-time, reactive control of automated processes. Data is analyzed using artificial intelligence to provide nimble efficiencies critical for today's successful operations. ese blended hardware/software silos are known as cyber-physical systems. Of paramount importance is to provide a cohesive safety protocol for cyber-physical systems that integrate the various technology silos. is ensures there are no gaps in execution, which could lead to adverse outcomes. is overarching concern, coupled with the traditional benefits of automation – saving time, money, and workforce, served as the basis from which Universal Logic created a robotic pallet sorter. As we will see in this case study, the integration of traditional automation with artificial intelligence software demands a wholistic approach to safety for a successful delivery. Robots have expanded their utility thanks to their general purpose design and seamless integration with sensor-based AI control. ankfully, robot safety protocols, established by OSHA and the Robotics Industry Association (RIA), provide clear guidance for hardware implementation. Network safety systems are also well understood and their implementation is LEVERAGING INDUSTRY 4.0 TO IMPROVE SAFETY CASE STUDY By David Peters, CEO Universal Logic A Look at Neocortex Robotic Pallet Sorting. Coppersmith Photography Coppersmith Photography

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