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32 PalletCentral • May-June 2021 a EUA factsheet that the CDC provides. Workers must be warned in advance that there may be side effects from the vaccination (especially with the second shot of the two-dose Moderna and Pfizer vaccines), and the importance of actually getting the second shot of the correct product if those vaccines are used – without it, the 90% effectiveness falls to around 50%, and patients should not "Mix and Match" their vaccines in terms of producer. Ideally paid leave should be offered to workers who opt into vaccine programs but incur side effects that limit their ability to work for a day or two following their shots. is may help overcome resistance that might be wage-based for economically vulnerable workers. Finally, there will be state-by- state decisions as to whether vaccine complications will be compensable under worker's compensation law, and whether third parties (staffing agency temps, subcontractors) who are inoculated under a host employer's program and develop side effects will have tort remedies for personal injury. In summary, workplace policies and administration of COVID-19 vaccines are complex and will require involvement of the safety officer, HR officer, and in-house or outside legal counsel, at a minimum. As an example, from the OHS professionals' perspective, if a worker objects on safety grounds to getting the vaccine, this may be considered protected activity under section 11C of the OSH Act? Work refusals based on safety concerns are protected, and President Biden's executive order says that if a worker refuses a job due to health concerns (potentially arising Where it is not feasible for an employer to offer on-site vaccination clinics, employers can be a vital source of information on where to get free vaccinations for workers, or even offer computer scheduling assistance for workers who may lack those resources at home or who may have language barriers when navigating pharmacy or state websites.