
May-June 2022

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34 PalletCentral • May-June 2022 S pring cleaning is an everyday practice at pallet facilities, not just an annual ritual. However, springtime is good for that educational outreach with your local fire code official and fire department. As things may change year to year at your facility, invite your local fire authorities to take a tour. Being proactive and establishing a positive relationship with your local/state fire marshal provides a cooperative exchange of ideas and information. Most fire marshals want to work with building owners, especially those being proactive in operating in a fire-safe manner. ey can also help identify specific circumstances that may need special attention to ensure compliance. Nothing is more important than the safety of your employees and those who live and work in the neighboring community, many of whom are involved in firefighting and other public safety efforts. at's why the NWPCA members take great care to ensure their facilities operate safely. In 2018, NWPCA developed a Fire Code Compliance Manual, collaborating with fire code experts. is manual outlines steps for each facility to comply with the NFPA fire codes, ICC code regulations, and best practices to keep facilities operating safely. Housekeeping and Safe Work Practices Practicing "good" housekeeping techniques every day is essential in avoiding unwanted fires. Model safety codes are stronger when they reflect proven best practices. Below are some housekeeping tips contained in the manual to help limit the risk of fires: • Minimize the existence and storage of combustible materials. • Dispose of combustible waste in covered, airtight, metal containers. • Use and store any flammable materials in well-ventilated areas away from ignition sources. • Use only non-flammable cleaning products. • Keep incompatible substances separated from one another. • Perform hot work in controlled and well-ventilated areas. • Ensure that hot work permits are secured before any hot work begins. • Turn off electrical equipment when not in use. • Maintain tools and equipment in working order and ensure that they are kept free of dust, oil, grease, and dirt. • Report any gas or oil leak immediately. • Immediately repair and clean up any flammable liquid leaks. Resources LEADING IN SAFETY Spring Cleaning Your Facility 0328

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