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PalletCentral • September-October 2022 21 Fue increíble ver a tantas personas de la industria de tarimas de madera en Monterrey. Me llenó de satisfacción que hayamos reunido a casi 140 personas de cinco países y de 16 estados de la República Mexicana en el primer evento de la NWPCA en México. Como industria debemos estar muy orgullosos de este gran paso. De forma muy especial, quiero reconocer el esfuerzo de mis colegas y compañeros, Carolyn Beach, Fernando, María José, y los demás miembros del consejo directivo quienes nos acompañaron en Monterrey. Fue la primera conferencia del Capítulo y me llena de gusto saber que a partir de ahora será un evento anual. ¡Nos vemos el próximo año en Guadalajara!" —Hilary Carr, Sr. Director, México and Latin America. thank the NWPCA for providing me with such an amazing learning experience by having attended the Monterrey event. [..]. After talking with colleagues about our environment, I'm reassured that we are working towards a common goal with an emphasis on educating our clients regarding the most efficient use of resources." Earlier in the day, the Mexico charter was made official during a signing ceremony at the event. Fernando López Bello, Losifra, serves as president of the Capítulo and is an international director of the NWPCA Board, and María José Martínez, El Martillo, is vice president of the Capítulo. "It's an honor to serve as the Capítulo President and represent Mexico on the Board of Directors," added Fernando. "Over the past year, we've worked hard to expand our network and connect with wooden packaging manufacturers across Mexico. María José and I will continue to ensure that the Chapter highlights the dynamic nature of our industry by providing the highest level of professional service." e conference was served to provide networking space to bring together key stakeholders and allow U.S. industry to get a firsthand look at the dynamic nature of the wooden packaging business from their colleagues' or customers' perspective and point of view. ank you to sponsors: Softwood Export Council, Deacero (Mid-Continent Steel), Freedom Sourcing, GoFast Manufacturing, PRS Group, Southern Mississippi Trading, and Wood-Mizer. As a result of your ongoing support, we will continue to strengthen our ties in Mexico and the rest of Latin America. e Capítulo leadership and staff are full steam ahead with next year's conference planned for Guadalajara in September 2023. Stay tuned.