
September-October 2023

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PalletCentral • September-October 2023 23 when you've got multiple closely ranked candidates that could all make a good fit for your organization," Leverant says. "ese types of assessments will help quickly identify the best of the best." Barbara Spector, CEO and President of Smart Moves, Inc. points out that there are different types of pre-employment assessments, including: n Cognitive Assessments: ese tests evaluate a candidate's mental abilities, such as problem-solving, critical thinking, logical reasoning, and numerical or verbal skills. ey provide insights into an individual's ability to learn, adapt, and perform tasks required for the job. n Personality Assessments: ese assessments gauge an individual's personality traits, characteristics, and behavioral tendencies. ey help employers understand how a candidate may interact with colleagues, handle stress, communicate, and approach work-related situations. Personality testing in a practical application plays a crucial role not in the candidate's capacity to learn and apply the necessary information, but more so in the candidate's willingness to perform their future job on a daily basis. Fitting in with the ever- unique company culture is another vital aspect for long-term employment and effective workplace communication that is measured by a well- constructed personality assessment. n Skills Assessments: ese tests measure a candidate's specific job-related skills and competen- cies. ey assess technical knowledge, proficiency in software applications, language proficiency, or any other skills relevant to the position. n Integrity and Aptitude Tests: ese assessments evaluate a candidate's ethical values, honesty, reliability, and attitudes toward workplace behavior. ey help employers identify individuals who are likely to engage in misconduct or exhibit unethical behavior. "Once a candidate is hired, employers may also use employment assessments to evaluate an employee's performance, identify areas for development, or make decisions regarding promotions, transfers, or training opportunities," Spector says. "ese assessments can help organizations effectively manage talent and improve overall workforce productivity." Spector adds that it's important to note that while employment and pre-employment assessments provide valuable insights, they should not be the sole determining factor in hiring decisions within the pallet industry. Rather, they should be used in conjunction with other hiring practices, such as interviews, reference checks, and work samples, to form a comprehensive evaluation of a candidate's suitability for a specific role in the industry.

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