
September-October 2023

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26 PalletCentral • September-October 2023 "Overall, employment assessments provide valuable insights into candidates' abilities, potential, and fit with the job and organization. By incorporating these assessments into the hiring process, business owners and HR staff can make more informed and effective hiring decisions, leading to improved workforce productivity, reduced turnover, and better organizational outcomes," Spector says. "Business owners and HR staff should consider using employment assessments for several reasons." Spector says these include: n Objective Evaluation: Employment assessments provide an objective and standardized way to evaluate candidates' qualifications and potential job performance. ey offer a fair and consistent method of comparison among applicants, reducing biases and subjectivity in the hiring process. n Predictive Validity: Well-designed employment assessments have been validated through research to accurately predict job performance. By using these assessments, employers can identify candidates who are likely to succeed in specific roles, reducing the risk of hiring individuals who may not meet job requirements or perform poorly. n Time and Cost Efficiency: Assessments can help streamline the hiring process by efficiently screening candidates. By assessing candidates' skills and abilities upfront, employers can identify top performers and focus their resources on interviewing and selecting the most promising candidates. is saves time and reduces the costs associated with a lengthy hiring process. n Job Fit Performance: Employment assessments enable employers to evaluate a candidate's fit with the job requirements and organizational culture. Assessments can assess not only cognitive abilities but also personality traits, behavioral tendencies, and job-specific skills. is helps identify individuals who align well with the job and the company, leading to higher job satisfaction, engagement, and performance. n Reducing Turnover: Hiring the right candidates who are well-suited for the job and the organization can significantly reduce employee turnover. Employment assessments can help identify candidates who possess the necessary skills, competencies, and traits for long-term success, ultimately contributing to employee retention and reducing the costs associated with frequent hiring and onboarding. n Compliance and Legal Protection: Using standardized employment assessments can help organizations demonstrate fairness and compliance with equal employment opportunity (EEO) regulations. By utilizing validated assessments, employers can mitigate the risk of discriminatory hiring practices and potential legal challenges. However, it is vital that companies have their legal counsel review any employee assessments being used to ensure that the assessments are directly related to the specific responsibilities and tasks required of the job for which the candidate is applying. For example, if a job requires making sales calls to prospective customers, the employee assessment being used should measure a candidate's communication skills over the phone. Employee assessments that are not directly related to the job that the applicant is applying for can result in excluding qualified candidates and it sets a company up to potentially face legal challenges. Legal counsel can ensure the employee assessments being used are not discriminatory or in violation of any state of federal employment laws. n Employee Development: Assessments can also be used beyond the hiring process. Once employees are hired, assessments can help identify areas for development, determine training needs, and create personalized development plans. is enables businesses to invest in their employees' growth, enhancing performance and promoting career advancement. Once hired, assessments can help identify areas for development, determine training needs, and create personalized development plans. This enables businesses to invest in their employees' growth, enhancing performance and promoting career advancement.

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