
May-June 2024

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16 Pallet C e nt ral May -Ju ne 2 0 24 Gabriella Ybarra is Manager, Public Affairs at NWPCA. She also helps manage the NWPCA Poli cal Ac on Commi ee for the Associa on. She may be reached at or 703.519.6104. MEMBER BIO: REPRESENTATIVE MIKE SIMPSON 1. What Led You To Run For Congress? I have always been interested in politics, so I started by running for a position on the Blackfoot City Council, then for the Idaho State Legislature, where I became the Speaker of the House in Idaho. When a seat opened in Congress, Kathy and I decided to run, and I am still serving in that capacity today. 2. What Are The Top Concerns You Hear From Cons tuents In Your District, Par cularly Small Business Owners? e top concerns I hear from constituents are about regulations imposed by the federal government. e confusion comes about when administrations change policies, such as Waters of the United States (WOTUS), giving uncertainty to our small business community. 3. What Policies Are Most Helpful In Promo ng Manufacturing And Business Growth In Your District And Across The Country? As Chairman of the House Interior and Environment Appropriations Subcommittee, which oversees the budget of the EPA, I am working to bring some common sense to our nation's environmental policies. Congress never intended for the EPA to have the kind of unchecked power for which the agency seems to be grasping. Instead of bringing our country together behind an achievable common goal, the EPA's proposed regulations are creating confusion for state and local governments and piling unnecessary and burdensome costs on American businesses and families. 4. What Role Do Small Businesses Like This Play In The US Economy And Idaho? Idaho consistently leads the way in the nation. Our small businesses are full of hardworking people who utilize their expertise to expand and enhance the lives of their communities with their products and services. 5. What Are Your Top Priori es For The Rest Of The Year? Some of my top priorities are to secure federal funding for Idaho priorities and projects through Community Project Funding, support local businesses and Idaho Ag, advocate for our veterans, pass fiscally responsible FY25 appropriations bills that balance the budget, and see the Farm Workforce Modernization Act get across the finish line. 6. What Impressed You The Most From Your Visit To Challenger Pallet? I think it is amazing that Challenger Pallet is a third-generation family-owned business. 7. Fun Fact About Yourself? I am an avid reader, and I enjoy painting. NWPCA WASHINGTON FLY IN June 12-13, 2024 Build rela onships with members of Congress and advocate for policies that support your industry.

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