
May-June 2024

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36 Pallet C e nt ral May -Ju ne 2 0 24 Impact And Percep on: Shaping The Future e high recycling rates of wooden pallets garner attention from B2B leaders who are keen to meet their sustainability goals. e eco-friendly nature of wood, coupled with the straightforward and efficient recycling process of wooden pallets, starkly contrasts with the complexities associated with manufacturing and recovering alternative packaging materials. is distinction clearly suggests a preference for wood as a material that aligns with environmental objectives. Vital to this strategy, industry leaders are keen on promoting recovery and refurbishing wooden pallets and encouraging the re- use of all wood pallets to reduce waste. "We take immense pride in our industry's drive for improvement and commitment to environmental stewardship," commented NWPCA Board Chair Jeff Lewis, Atlanta Pallets & Services. "As the demand for environmentally responsible products escalates, the achievements of the wooden pallet industry in recycling and sustainable practices are poised to influence the future of supply chains significantly." ese actions are crucial to the industry's circular economy strategy, significantly lowering its environmental footprint and highlighting its essential role in building a sustainable future. Research And Insights: Paving The Way For Progress e latest wood pallet industry's recycling rate is a result of detailed research and strategic collaborations with scientific institutions and waste management facilities. Brent McClendon explains the motivation behind this commitment, stating, "For research to be considered credible, it should be conducted at least once every five years. Driven for continuous improvement, we sought to gauge our progress and reaffirm our industry's leadership. To this end, the Pallet Foundation commissioned another study in 2021 in collaboration with Virginia Tech to test our current performance." While the recycle rate is extremely high (95%)— and this achievement is worth celebrating—it also highlights the crucial role of engaging in and contributing to survey data. e extensive process of collecting, cleaning, and 36 Pallet C e nt ral May -Ju ne 2 0 24

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