
May-June 2024

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Pallet C e nt ral • May -Ju ne 2 0 24 25 LEAN BY GREG BOWEN, VP OF OPERATIONS TRANSFORMATION, 48FORTY ADOPTING LEAN MANUFACTURING PRINCIPLES: I n the 1960s, the globally recognized automaker Toyota shocked the world with its eff icient yet qualit y-driven production process. It was out- performing competitors, keeping customers happy, and seeing major wins in its f inancial metrics. This massive wave of success was due to a shift in how the company approached manufacturing to increase production eff iciency. By employing a unique set of manufacturing principles, which were the catalyst for lean manufacturing adoption in other industries, Toyota charted a different path for ward for manufacturing professionals. Today, lean manufacturing is a broad concept that is interpreted in a number of different ways. At its core, though, lean methodolog y emphasizes the reduction of waste, properly resourcing production lines, ensuring an optimized production f low, IMPROVING EFFICIENCY & REDUCING WASTE IN WOODEN PALLET PRODUCTION

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