
May-June 2024

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44 Pallet C e nt ral May -Ju ne 2 0 24 READY TO SEE THE BENEFITS OF AUTOMATION? Start With These 5 Tools 4. IFTTT (If This, Then That) Initially designed for personal automation use, IFTTT is finding its place among business users, too. Even the most production-oriented manufacturing professionals have to deal with emails and calendar reminders, and IFTTT links all administrative systems together, giving you one platform to keep up with all office-related priorities. Example: rough its seamless connection to Gmail and Todoist, IFTTT can create custom to-do lists based on email subject lines or discussion points. You won't lose track of email asks, making it easy to "circle back" when needed. 5. Apache Airflow As an open-source automation platform, Apache Airflow can handle even the most detailed engineering tasks. It serves as an ideal tool for wooden pallet manufacturers by automating and orchestrating complex workflows. It enables scheduling, monitoring, and managing tasks involved in pallet production, from raw material procurement to distribution. Example: Apache Airflow can aid manufacturers in automating their production scheduling processes. In a wooden pallet manufacturing facility, Airflow can be utilized to orchestrate the entire production workflow, including tasks such as raw material procurement, machine operation scheduling, quality control checks, and shipping logistics. AUTOMATION TOOLS 2. UiPath is no-code automation tool is easy to employ, no matter what industry you're in. With machine learning capabilities, embedded artificial intelligence, and seamless robotic process automation features, UiPath is changing the ways in which manufacturing professionals monitor key metrics, build inventory strategies, and adjust forward-facing forecasts. Example: When conducting quality control processes, wooden pallet manufacturers can pair UiPath's platform with computer vision-enabled production line robots to identify product imperfections such as scratches or dents. 3. Microso Power Automa on Formerly known as Microsoft Flow, Microsoft Power Automation is one of the most user-friendly automation tools on the market. With pre-built templates and easy "Flow" tools, wooden pallet manufacturers can automate everything from inventory monitoring to invoice reminders and bill payments. Example: ink about all things in a Microsoft environment. Manufacturers are accustomed to building daily production reports and manually distributing them to internal teams and business leaders. Instead of relying on a person taking time out of their day to complete this task, use Power Automate to create and distribute daily production reports by using data in your business systems—no human intervention required! T he creation and distribution of wooden pallets has revolved around business efficiencies since their inception. More efficient product storage methods, better transportation vessels, and process standardization are just a few of the ways in which wooden pallet manufacturers have influenced the economy on a global scale. By employing automation tools in everything from manufacturing to financial tasks, wooden pallet manufacturers can benefit from the productivity boost and monetary savings that come along with automation. ese 5 tools can transform how your business runs from the inside out. If you're ready to bring wooden pallet manufacturing into the digital world, start with these productivity solutions. 1. Zapier Most wooden pallet manufacturers have a myriad of automation opportunities with the software tools already used in the organization. When brought together, tools like Slack, Microsoft Office 365, inventory management software, and ERPs can offer a lot of automation power. Zapier acts as a connector between disparate business systems, making it easy to ensure data alignment, automate business processes, and improve organizational efficiency. Example: Zapier can gather information from your online order platform, transfer that information to your inventory management software, and either update inventory levels or trigger the order fulfillment process.

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