
July-August 2024

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12 Pallet C e nt ral • July -Aug u st 2 0 24 Selling Privately Held Companies In The Pallet Industry. Trusted advisor with 35 years of industry experience with a global network of buyers that creates significant value for our clients. Diverse buyers: Private equity, industry, and well-funded investors. Exclusive advisory: We manage the sale for maximum value. Experienced team: A.D. Advisors, 100+ years in recycling, waste, and pallets, $600M+ in value. I I 800-385-8225 T he National Wooden Pallet & Container Association (NWPCA) and the Pallet Foundation are excited to announce new funding from the USDA's Regional Agricultural Promotion Program (RAPP). !e funding was a result of a collaborative proposal by the NWPCA, and its partner, the Softwood Export Council (SEC). !e SEC is a non-prot association that promotes the use of U.S. softwood products around the world through education, LCA work, and the development of codes and standards that facilitate the use of US softwoods. !e funding will support the Pallet Foundation's critical work on Life Cycle Assessments (LCAs) and Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) for wooden pallets. "!e NWPCA and the Pallet Foundation are grateful to the SEC for this collaboration on this proposal and support facilitating the grant. Our partnership with the SEC over the years has been instrumental in the development of initiatives that benet the environment, forestry, and global softwood markets," commented Dr. Brad Gething, vice president of science & technology." !e funding will enable the Foundation to continue its comprehensive work on LCAs, providing a detailed analysis of the environmental impact of wooden pallets throughout their lifecycle. LCAs and EPDs are vital for assessing greenhouse gas emissions and environmental impact, helping U.S. lumber compete globally. SEC President Rose Braden expressed her commitment to the Pallet Foundation's initiatives: "We are proud to partner with the NWPCA and the Pallet Foundation, especially when it comes to providing industry members with transparent information about the environmental performance of wooden pallets, reinforcing their sustainability credentials in global markets." "Working with the SEC over the years has signicantly expanded the great work that our Pallet Foundation is already doing in areas such as landll avoidance, wooden pallet market analysis, and increased market opportunities in Mexico for U.S. softwood lumber exports," added Dr. Gething. !e collaboration with NWPCA, the Pallet Foundation and SEC underscores the importance of industry partnerships in advancing sustainability goals. !e NWPCA and the Pallet Foundation also thank the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the Foreign Agriculture Service for enacting the RAPP program last year to support U.S. commodity exports into emerging markets. NWPCA AND PALLET FOUNDATION CELEBRATE FUNDING TO ENABLE NEW LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT WORK THANK YOU

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