
September-October 2024

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24 Pallet C e nt ral • S e ptem be r- O ctobe r 2 0 24 Mitchell Kamps, CEO, Kamps Pallets see the investment in equipment as what sets them apart. "Our secret sauce is really how we incentivize expectations and get the right team members in the right places," Justin laid out. With standardized GMA repair stations, efficiency, safety, and ergonomics are all optimized. Simple layout rearrangements to reduce excess transportation of pallets around their own warehouse save hours every month. "Robotics may not always be the best investment for highly productive, well-staffed organizations, but that doesn't mean that there isn't room to implement innovative solutions," he said. Understanding The Challenges Innovation can feel like magic, but behind the scenes, there's a lot working to implement new solutions. If you're up against barriers that make things like automation feel impossible, you're not alone. Any one of the following challenges can stand in the way, even for the best production teams: Cost Technical machines are never cheap. e high upfront costs associated with investing in these tools are one of the most common barriers to entry, especially for smaller manufacturers. "ere has to be a return on investment," Kamps emphasized. "For example, our USL is very expensive. If we didn't have enough volume or enough category needs for it to make a difference, it wouldn't be a wise investment." Change Management Back to the existing conflict between machines and their human counterparts: it can be hard to perfect the change management initiatives and drive adoption internally. If your production teams won't utilize the innovative solutions, then the solutions won't have the desired results. Be sure to take the time to listen to concerns, incorporate your employees' ideas, and solve the problems that they face regularly. Skilled Worker Shortages Most wooden pallet manufacturers are all too familiar with labor shortages, but when bringing in new tools, a certain skill set is often required to operate the machinery or run the automation. If current employees aren't able to be trained to absorb those tasks, additional help may be required, adding more pressure to labor challenges that already exist. Innova on: The Intersec on Of People, Processes, And Technology e pallet industry has never been static. Different pallet types, different use cases, and a circular economy have always challenged industry leaders to adapt, evolve, and grow. Now, those same leaders are being challenged to become more efficient, champion sustainability, manage increased demands, and provide tailored solutions to their customers. With the right tools, people, and processes, meeting today's challenges is doable, but it's not always easy. To see the benefits of innovation, pallet manufacturers need to be ready to make investments, optimize processes, and ensure that the voices of the people doing the work remain a priority. Where would your organization go with innovative solutions? How are you going to get there? Only you can answer that, but hopefully, Vasquez, Hyde, Engelsma, Vrugteveen, and the Kamps have given you insight on where to start. INNOVATION CONT. Jus n Kamps, VP of Northern Opera ons, Kamps Pallets Fred Vrugteveen, Visionary, Niagara Pallet & Recyclers Ltd Beatrice Vasquez, CFO, Oxnard Pallet Company

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