
September-October 2024

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36 Pallet C e nt ral • S e ptem be r- O ctobe r 2 0 24 SAFETY CONT. RESULTS. RESAWS. 800.553.0182 © 2024 Wood-Mizer LLC Price in US Dollars. Price and specifications subject to change without notice. NOTHING COMPARES TO THE CHOICES YOU GET FROM WOOD-MIZER. Efficiently resaw cants and boards, recover wood from slabs, and more with Wood-Mizer band resaws starting at $ 12,795 USD. Thin-kerf accuracy and increased yield, ease-of-operation, reliability, and versatility make Wood-Mizer's broad range of single and multi-cut band resaws a profitable investment for your start-up lumber businesses or high production pallet operation. Learn more and watch videos of Wood-Mizer resaws in action at Machines That Make You Money is ambitious regulatory agenda will extend and be expanded upon under a Harris/ Walz administration, with new items added. How far the rulemaking initiatives will advance, and whether final rules will survive, also depends on the outcome of the Congressional election. Even with a Democratic executive branch, if there is a "red wave" that flips the Senate to GOP control and grows the Republican majority in the House, there would be the option of challenging any new OSHA (or other Harris administration) rules using the Congressional Review Act (CR A). If successful, a CR A challenge to a rule would not only result in its rescission but would also block the agency from ever again promulgating a similar rule without the express permission of Congress. is is not an idle threat. e Clinton administration's Ergonomics standard was killed using the CR A shortly after President George W. Bush took the White House and had a friendly Congress to support him. In 2017, Congress and President Trump successfully used the CR A to kill the Obama Administration's "Continuing Violation" rule (which would have overruled the 180-day statute of limitations and permitted OSHA to issue paperwork citations for the entire period that the record needed to be maintained). e difference here is that any CR A passage would have to be ratified by the president, and certainly President Harris would not sign off on legislation to defeat her own regulations—although a supermajority could override a veto potentially. If there is a Democratic Congress to support the Harris initiatives, no CR A threat will be present and they could even take the necessary vote to rescind the CR A bans on future ergonomics and recordkeeping rules and put those revoked standards back in place. Also under a Harris administration, OSHA's existing enforcement programs will continue, such as the Severe Violators Enforcement Program (SVEP), the Site Specific Targeting Program (using employer's self-reported injury data), and the Instance-by-Instance citation policy (allowing multiple citations and penalties for a single violation, based on the number of workers exposed and the number of pieces of equipment involved). e dozen National Emphasis Programs (NEPs) will also continue and perhaps be

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