
May-June 2024

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Pallet C e nt ral • May -Ju ne 2 0 24 27 resource planning. Having too many people working is ineff icient and unnecessarily costly, but with too few people, production lines will lag behind demand. By focusing on proper resourcing strategies, manufacturers can keep costs low, and productivit y wins high. Optimizing Flow Going hand in hand with waste reduction and airtight staff ing practices above, production f low optimization challenges manufacturers to organize the production f loor in a way that helps the process " f low." Simple layout adjustments can reduce transportation time and increase productivit y. Remember, just because a large warehouse space exists, it doesn't mean that using all of it is optimal. Ever y extra step taken by production teams will result in waste. Employing tools like Kanban systems can also help with f low. Kanban boards highlight when materials need to be replenished, ensuring a steady production pace. It's more than possible to build a system where, by the time a pallet is ready for production, the materials are already cut and waiting. Optimal f low will help you stay one step ahead of customers on all aspects of wooden pallet production. Committing To Continuous Improvement The hardest part about lean manufacturing is that the work is never done. Just because a production line was "perfect" last week doesn't guarantee that that is the case this week. Things are always changing, customer needs are adjusting, and new best practices are entering the scene. With continuous improvement as a key pillar, lean manufacturing requires teams to continuously assess the production process, reduce ever- changing bottlenecks, and consistently work toward an optimized f low. Ever yone involved will need to regularly review and adjust production procedures in this environment. Utilizing Automation With the digital realit y of today's manufacturing landscape, automation tools play an integral part in lean

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