
May-June 2016

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A top priority of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration is the hazard complaint-based inspection, and an employer's attitude to safety, its programs and training could be heavily scrutinized. The best strategy is to be quickly responsive to internally raised safety concerns. Page 12 22 The Three Deadly Sins of Property Insurance for Pallet Companies 28 Keys to a Trust- Centered Culture 32 Trucking Trends Pallet Central P A L L E T C E N T R A L . C O M • M A Y - J U N E 2 0 1 6 PUBLISHED BY THE NATIONAL WOODEN PALLET & CONTAINER ASSOCIATION PUBLISHED BY THE NATIONAL WOODEN PALLET & CONTAINER ASSOCIATION NWPCA 1421 Prince Street Suite 340 Alexandria, VA 22314-2805 Where HR and Safety Intersect

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