Typical GMA
38 PalletCentral • May-June 2016 palletcentral.com
efore we dig in, a brief disclaimer.
This comparison focuses solely on the effect
of pallet design on pallet strength. Pallet
stiffness and durability are very important
considerations when designing wood pallets,
but for this example, we've chosen to exclude
these considerations in order to emphasize
pallet strength.
Also, we've done this example considering a generic load which
qualifies as a "Flexible Uniformly Distributed Load" and therefore
did not attempt to change the number of deckboards or placement.
In a "real life" example, these would be important considerations to
ensure that the load is properly supported by the pallet.
With these considerations in mind, the following is a
comparison between a "Typical GMA" and a "Lean GMA"
stringer pallet design.
What to Look For When Designing a
Pallet for Efficient Material Usage
Lean GMA