
May-June 2023

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OCTOBER 3-5, 2023 LE WESTIN MONTRÉAL, QUEBEC, CANADA Co-hosts: National Wooden Pallet & Container Association (NWPCA) & the Canadian Wood Pallet and Container Association (CWPCA) PROGRAM Note: The meetings and presentations will be presented in English. Information about the plant tour hosts and instructions about the tours will be provided in English and French, and on the buses. • Tuesday, October 3, 2023: Opening welcome reception • Wednesday, October 4, 2023: Full day of plant tours, evening networking reception • Thursday, October 5, 2023: Full day of educational programming, closing celebration. PLANT TOUR HOSTS: Herwood Inc., a family-owned business in Quebec, Canada, has been a leading manufacturer of wooden pallets for over 75 years. With a strong commitment to quality and service, their plant in Windsor offers standard heat treatment and produces 13,000 pallets per day. Interco, established in 1999, is a custom wooden pallet manufacturer located in St-Eugene, Quebec. With cutting-edge equipment and a dedicated team of 75 employees, they produce 8,000 pallets daily and provide heat treatment and recycling services. L.C.N. Inc. is a leader in wood pallet manufacturing. With an annual capacity of over 2 million pallets, they offer high-quality stringer and block pallets in both hardwood and softwood. L.C.N. maintains strong partnerships and holds certifications such as ISO 9001-2015 and Forest Stewardship Council. Get ready for Interpal, the premier global event of the wood packaging industry, held once every four years. Join leading manufacturers, suppliers, and service providers from around the world for a celebration of innovation and collaboration. Experience a dynamic blend of educational programming, exhibits, and plant tours, all in one remarkable event. Registration:

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