
May-June 2023

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Marketing By Caryn Smith 16 PalletCentral • May-June 2023 P allet companies focus on business-to-business relationships to advance, and often that is enough to leverage growing profits. Yet, marketing strategies should not be ignored – as they say, "out of sight, out of mind." Where to start and what to utilize is often a challenge, because return on investment of time and dollars spent is hard to track. For smaller companies, the real challenge lies in having dedicated time to focus on it, with all the other duties of running a company. For larger companies, regular program optimization is key. Let's delve into highlights of time-well-spent strategies to consider bringing brand recognition to your business, starting at square one. Understanding Your Value – and Selling It Selling wooden pallets requires a strategic approach that highlights their value and addresses specific needs of present and potential customers. First and foremost, it's crucial to understand your company's target industry market and identify those prospects that heavily rely on pallets for their operations. By tailoring the sales pitch and marketing efforts to resonate with their unique requirements, such as durability, load capacity, and cost-effectiveness, one can effectively position their company's wooden pallets as a reliable and practical solution. Identifying and leveraging the right tools to build pallet company brand recognition is easy with a strong foundation. 1129 MAKING TIME FOR MARKETING A P R I M E R O N E A S Y B E S T P R A C T I C E S iStock/Rawpixel

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