
May-June 2023

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26 PalletCentral • May-June 2023 Technology By Annette Ferri T he National Wooden Pallet and Container Association (NWPCA) has reached a significant milestone with the recent marketing and rebranding efforts for the Pallet Design System™ (PDS) software. is strategic move involved updating PDS marketing materials, which included a fresh logo, more vibrant website, and exhibit booth showcasing the software at the global trade show, Ligna 2023, held in Germany last month. e timing of these rebranding efforts was crucial. As PDS has evolved over the past decade, the design of our marketing needed to reflect the PDS software and the changing landscape in wooden pallet design. "Our rebranding efforts exemplifies NWPCA's commitment not only to technological advancements but also to strategic marketing initiatives," said Brent McClendon, president and CEO of NWPCA. "e new logo is more than just a visual update; it symbolizes NWPCA's decision to incorporate modern design elements that better reflect the cutting-edge technology of this design tool." With over 40 years of industry expertise, PDS has become a trusted resource for pallet design engineers and users. By leveraging this advanced software program, businesses can ensure the utmost safety, durability, and efficiency within their supply chains. "e rebranding effort is a strategic move that aligns NWPCA's visual identity with core goals," added McClendon. "e investments in this rebranding initiative reflect our commitment to providing state-of-the-art resources to the wooden pallet industry and recognizes our global partners' essential roles in the supply chain," added McClendon. "PDS is used in 40 countries, and this site welcomes pallet companies from around the world to download a free trial version and learn more about how PDS will improve their pallet operations too." Pallet manufacturers access a wealth of resources through the website, including educational materials, on-demand training, resources, and updates. By fostering an environment of continuous learning, NWPCA aims to elevate the industry, equipping businesses with the latest insights and solutions for their packaging needs. Partnering for Success NWPCA recognizes the importance of global partnerships in advancing the wooden pallet industry and improving market access. NWPCA Chair Nick Wenner, Pallet Service Corp. expressed gratitude for the marketing support and collaboration of partner trade groups, including the Canadian Wood Pallet and Container Association, the Sweden Forest Industries Federation, the Dutch Packaging & Pallet Industry Association (EPV ), and the UK Pallet Federation, TIMCON. "Working together ensures that the pallet industry continues to innovate and improve, providing businesses globally with efficient and cost-effective solutions for their packaging needs," said Wenner. "By embracing technology, fostering partnerships, and providing invaluable resources, NWPCA is propelling the wooden pallet industry into a new era of efficiency, sustainability, and global success." The PDS software's new look and resources signal an era of expansion as a global wooden pallet tool. N W P C A ' S R E B R A N D I N G S U C C E S S Elevating Marketing with the

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