
May-June 2024

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26 Pallet C e nt ral May -Ju ne 2 0 24 committing to a practice of continuous improvement, and involving automation tools wherever possible. Wooden pallet manufacturers are no strangers to eff iciency. The ver y creation of wooden pallets transformed manufacturing, logistics, and warehousing globally through standardization and waste management. But when it comes to the manufacturing process behind those invaluable wooden pallets, implementing lean principles will further advance eff iciencies across the board—no pun intended! Applying Lean Today Bringing lean manufacturing into any production process requires a bit of lift. You' ll need your management teams to understand the approach, adopt the principles, and get behind the mindset shift required by lean. Let's look at a few key components of lean manufacturing to clarif y how your organization can start incorporating them today. Waste Reduction In any manufacturing process, waste occurs in different forms. Time, money, and raw materials are all t ypes of waste created throughout the pallet production process. But lean manufacturing helps turn "waste" from the t ypical cost center to a prof it center. By reducing waste, manufacturers are more prof itable, better able to scale, and cut back on waste-related costs. To build a waste reduction strateg y, work backward. W hat f inished products does your organization need? W hat are the production goals? Then, from that point, work with your team to identif y opportunities to cut redundant steps, remove production touchpoints, and get the right amount of people on the line. Reducing waste can even be as simple as rearranging the warehouse so people have to take fewer steps from one station to the next. Little wins may not seem like they' ll have an impact, but over time, getting rid of excess waste adds up, turning "waste" from a cost center into a prof it center. Proper Resourcing In Production For the most part, pallet production is incredibly predictable. With modern technologies, manufacturers can start cutting raw materials for upcoming orders months in advance. But there's one aspect of the production line that sometimes gets overlooked: To build a waste reduc on strategy, work backward. What finished products does your organiza on need? What are the produc on goals? Then, from that point, work with your team to iden fy opportuni es to cut redundant steps, remove produc on touchpoints, and get the right amount of people on the line.

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