
May-June 2023

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8 PalletCentral • May-June 2023 INSIDENWPCA NWPCA Announcements and Upcoming Events NWPCA's Public Affairs Team Making an Impact T he Public Affairs team has been hard at work focusing on connecting Members of Congress with the NWPCA membership. e week before the Washington Fly-In, Vice President of Public Affairs Jason Ortega and Public Affairs Manager Hallie Fuchs traveled to Houston to assist in a facility tour for Rep. Beth Van Duyne (R-TX) at Cottondale Lumber Products. It was clear that Rep. Van Duyne was impressed by the amount of automation and manufacturing that goes into building pallets. After a quick turnaround trip, public affairs and the rest of the team hosted over 30 NWPCA members in Washington, D.C., for the Fly-In. ey connected with over 40 Congressional representatives and their staff, ensuring our voices are heard in the crucial political conversations that shape our industry's future. NWPCA Strategic Planning and Advocacy N WPCA's Board of Directors convened in Washington, D.C., during the week of June 6th to address crucial matters related to the workforce and automation strategic plan goal and association governance. A presentation from National Association of Manufacturers' Chief Economist Chad Moutray and the Manufacturing Institute's Associate Director of Workforce Insights & Research Anjana Radhakrishnan highlighted the results of NWPCA's latest workforce survey (final report coming later this summer). e board meeting proved highly productive, setting the stage for the subsequent Washington Fly-In. e Washington Fly-In featured a democratic reception on the first evening, attended by two congressional members: US Representatives Andrea Salinas (D-CA) and Darren Soto (D-NJ). A Middle right: Congressman Darren Soto (D-FL) addresses attendees during the Washington Fly-In reception. Above: Members of the NWPCA Board meet with Sen. John Boozman (R-AR). NWPCA Vice President of Public Affairs Jason Ortega, alongside Hinton Howell, COO, Hinton Lumber Products, meet with Rep. Kat Cammack (R-FL). breakfast briefing was led by Jason Ortega, NWPCA's VP of Public Affairs, alongside BIPAC and Lot Sixteen, a lobbying and communications firm. e members visited Capitol Hill, equipped with industry talking points and fueled by enthusiasm. e Fly-In concluded with a Republican reception at the esteemed Capitol Hill Club with visits from congressional members: U.S. Representatives John James (R-MI) and Juan Ciscomani (R-AZ). Reception with Representatives Darren Soto (D-FL) and Andrea Salinas (D-OR), Fly-In attendees, NWPCA and Lot Sixteen staff.

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